
Published on: 08/24/24 3:36 PM

Published on: 04/11/24 9:33 AM

Teaching -Improving Writing skills course

Teaching -Improving Writing skills course

Just completed the first of my teaching on Improving Writing Skills. It was the most rewarding group of women who were really keen on writing and improving their skills- at…

Published on: 03/20/24 6:09 PM

Book talk at Battersea WI

Book talk at Battersea WI

Had a warm welcome at the Battersea WI's meeting last night to talk about my book Cross-dressed to Kill. They were interested in the stories of the women soldiers and…

Published on: 03/3/24 8:26 PM

Teaching creative writing course this month

Excited to be leading a 5 week course based at Kensignton Central Library in London on creative writing as part of the Adult Learning programme. The focus is very much…

Published on: 03/24/23 4:00 PM

Published on: 03/24/23 3:47 PM

Published on: 08/5/21 9:04 AM

Published on: 03/3/21 2:02 PM

My 3rd Woman to Remember for #Womenshistorymonth

My 3rd Woman to Remember for #Womenshistorymonth

#WomensHistoryMonth. My 3rd woman to remember.Geneviève Prémoy, alias Chevalier Balthazard 1660–1704, enlisted as a French officer for 15 years.Her 1st love was fighting,but got entangled with many women while in…

Published on: 03/2/21 2:57 PM

Published on: 03/1/21 10:53 AM

International Women’s Day  Talk- on Cross-dressing Women

International Women’s Day Talk- on Cross-dressing Women

400 years ago a young spanish girl ran away from her convent to dress in men's clothes and find a life of freedom- and fighting. Catalina de Erauso is the first story in my book on Cross--dressing women, and explains how and why she did it. 'Nun turned Top-Gun! is one of her nicknames today